My paintings are a symbiosis of modern abstract art and the nature and culture of Hawai’i. My paintings have many layers, and all include the colors of the four elements. My paintings include different natural materials of Hawaii, like fibers from Hawaiian plants, driftwood, the bark of trees, sand, and so on. Many of my paintings are based on the ancient Hawaiian tradition of Kapa making, a technique I am educated in. It begins with the harvest of the bark of the Wauke tree and continues through the whole process of beating the bark to get a fine kappa. For my use, I go one step further, expand the bark and change the form very intuitively until I feel harmony in myself and a connection to the colors on the canvas. I desire to be a bridge between modern abstract art and the ancient tradition of the Hawaiian culture.
Would you like to bring Hawaiian nature and Hawaiian culture, combined with modern abstract art into your rooms?

Videos and Fotos: The ancient Hawaiian Art of Kapa making